Pembroke Welsh and Cardigan Welsh Corgi Puppies

Welsh corgi puppy lying over the white backgroundBuy a cute puppy in CT. Call 203-9391964There’s a lot of factors to consider when you’re buying a corgi puppy, especially because you have two types of breeds of corgis that you can choose from: the Pembroke Welsh corgi and the Cardigan Welsh corgi. In this article, you will learn a comprehensive guide, especially tips and precautions, before purchasing a corgi puppy in reputable shops such as CT Breeder. Let’s get right to it!

The History of Corgi Puppy

It’s helpful to know a bit of heritage and history about your soon-to-be best friend corgi puppy. Who knows? You might be in a dog show, and there’s a Trivia Question Raffle, and you could win a year-supply of dog food if you can answer a question about the history of corgis. That said, the Pembroke Welse Corgi goes as back as 1107 AD. It was the Vikings and the Flemish weavers that have found the value and amicability of these corgis and brought them along in their travels in Wales. There are even reputable sources that claim that in the 10th century, corgies were already assisting farmers in herding ducks, horses, sheep, and cattle. In fact, it can be said that these corgies are among the oldest herder dogs.

These corgis are also the closest relatives to Keeshonds, Pomeranians, Chow Chows and Finnish Spitz. The first ever Corgi Club was also officially founded in December 1925 at the Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire. This club was mainly a response to the excitement of the communities for such lovable and yet useful breed of dogs.

Caring For Corgis

Before your purchase, make sure you’ve already decided to be okay with a dog that sheds often and extensively. A corgi can be the most lovable, adorable and fluffiest dogs, but they are some of the most highly shedding breeds, and they sometimes even have a coat “blow out” at least twice per year.

Fluffy corgi with a treat on the floorSecondly, the Pembroke Welsh Corgis have an average life expectancy of around 12-15 years. They’re also what is called “achondroplastic”, which means they won’t grow beyond the “true dwarf” height that they’re very known for. As a consequence, they are more prone to certain health conditions that they didn’t inherit. Some of these conditions include eye problems, monorchidism and what is commonly called the Willebrand’s disease.

It is also advised to give them at least once a week of good outdoor workout, but because of their high active energy, this won’t be a problem for them; just make sure you can keep up. If corgis can’t move around that much, they become lethargic, unhappy and hard to deal with.

Another health concern you should watch out for is their weight from overeating but having too little body to contain such digested food. They usually have a good appetite, and so without the right amount of weekly exercise, they could be prone to growing overweight.

To prevent such health issues, it must be your duty to get them the proper vaccinations, the right medical support and the medical attention they require both for maintenance and possible treatment should a disease arise. There’s also genetic testing for corgis to avoid these health risks and to find methods to increase its health and immunity to various health ailments.

Important Notes to Consider

  1. Tiny corgi with a stickCorgis are known for being hyperactive and agile, and that means you should find time to hang out with them and keep up with their energy. It is required to bond with them in regular outdoor walks not only to maintain their good health but also to let the dog feel more connected to you as an owner.
  2. If you’re taken to getting your dogs into a competition, corgis are also excellent in any dog agility test, flyball contests, herding events and tracking competitions. In other words, they’re perfect show and contest dogs. For this reason, you should take time in getting them the right exercise and possibly structured training to get them the right attitude and shape.
  3. Corgis are some of the most affectionate breeds out there, and not a day will pass that you won’t be enchanted or even lured by their unbelievably powerful playful charm. They follow around their owners and find great fulfillment in pleasing their owners. This makes the corgi a breed perfect for those who want a submissive buddy that wants to go where the owner wants to go! They’re also easy to train and are even ranked at the top in the list of the smartest dog breeds in the famous Stalen Coren’s dog reference book, The Intelligence of Dogs.
  4. Did you know that you can also get these corgis to be your watchdogs due to their alert nature and very perceptive tendency to bark at anyone not familiar to them? They’re even easy to get along with children and are quickly taken to new people, so you won’t be having a hard time with them if you have new people hanging around near the corgi.
  5. When you select the breeder of the corgi puppy you’re about to buy, make sure you do your homework. Research the documents of the corgi they’re selling you. Ask for word of mouth references, and take value in those kinds of suggestions instead of the ones advertised online or through ads because they could be faked.


It’s also essential that you let the corgis hang out with your children at a young age to avoid developing an anti-social behavior with them. You also have to watch out for their herding instincts, as they would chase around anything that moves. Make sure you move them away from breakable items in your house, and other fragile valuables. You can also expect that these adorable corgis would nip at your ankles due to their herding tendencies.


Corgis are some of the most active, fun, fluffy and huggable varieties of dogs there are, and the guide you read above is the one you need to decide whether corgis are right for you. If corgi is indeed the right type for your personality, then, by all means, go to CT Breeder and pick the most beautiful Welsh Corgi Puppy you could lay your eyes on. Immediately!

If you are ready to get a Corgi puppy into your family (or are just considering), give CT Breeder a call and get all the recommendations – (203) 904-2733.