One of the most popular dogs that are kept in homes now is the Siberian Husky. They are often mistaken as wolf dogs. Unlike their wolf counterparts, Huskies are a lot friendlier and are less aggressive to people and other pets. That makes them a good house pet for many families.
Whatever the reason for getting a Siberian Husky, make sure you’ve given it a good thought. This is because Sibes require keen attention and a diet regimen that might be different from other dogs. It is also important to be knowledgeable about their behaviors outside and at home. The article below will help you get all the information you need before buying a Siberian Husky today.
They were born and bred throughout Russia, mostly around north-eastern Siberia. Huskies were originally bred as working dogs in early history. They were kept to pull sleds for the native Siberians when they hunt and gather food. They can travel to long distances in extreme cold weather with minimal food and water. Huskies come from the line of Spitz breed because of their thick mane and triangular ears.
Siberian Huskies are medium sized dogs. They can often be mistaken for being imposing because of their wolf appearance. They were first bred to be working dogs, mostly pulling sleds. The standard height of a Sibe is around 1 foot and 8 inches to 1 foot and 11 inches. They can weigh up to 35 to 60 pounds.
The Siberian Husky’s fur is thicker than most dogs which consists of two years with unique markings. The first layer is the thick undercoat and the second, the top coat is longer with short, straight hairs. This is the reason why they can withstand extreme cold temperatures. Huskies rarely shed. But, they also need to be groomed weekly. However, if they are exposed to hot temperatures, they can succumb to excessive shedding. They come in different colors. The most common colors that are usually seen in households are gray, pure white and black and white. There are other colors as well that are recognized like copper, brown and even red.
Sibe’s eyes are usually almond-shaped, which are obliquely set. The breed standard is that their eyes are blue or black and even brown. There are also huskies that are parti-colored which means one eye color is different from the other.
Sibes are also noted for the color on their noses. Gray ones have black colored noses. Black dogs have tan colored noses. There are also huskies that have ‘snow noses’ or special pigmentations on their noses.
Siberian Huskies’ tails are also noticeably furrier and would stand erect. They are also known for their triangular ears.
Even though Siberian Huskies are working dogs, they do not do well as guard dogs. They are usually bubbly and friendly to humans. They do not possess the wolf-like qualities and are less suspicious of strangers. This is sometimes not a good thing. They are especially friendly to children so this makes them an ideal family dog. Sibes do not bark but howl. They are notorious howlers and can show their stubbornness through their loud howls.They also love to play when they are brought outdoors. Even a grown husky would display puppy-like behavior whenever they are outside.
Siberian Huskies are usually described as escape artists. This is because they can get away with mischief at home. They can even run away from home when given the chance. When in trouble, they would usually dig and hide under fences and even jump over them. They can also be rowdy when kept indoor for a long period of time. They would chew shoes and furniture and even go through the trash. It is important for pet owners to control their huskies. Pet owners should also make sure that their homes and yards are securely fenced. This is to keep them from getting away.
Because of their charming and playful nature, it is hard to stay mad at a husky. They are also known to be sociable and love to show off. When keeping this kind of puppy, you would expect them to be always overly excited to see you.
Like all breeds of dogs, Siberian Huskies can also succumb to diseases. Generally, huskies are always healthy, but diseases can be genetic. But, it is important to be aware of the types of health conditions that they encounter. It is also important to look for reputable husky breeder and ask them the health status of the puppiess.
These dogs are prone to elbow and hip dysplasia. They can also contract cataracts and a number of eye problems as well.
Make sure that your puppy gets regular vet visits and get their required shots to avoid any unforeseen circumstances.
Huskies are bred to eat less to survive. So, feeding a husky will not be challenging as they only need minimal food to eat for the day. A recommended amount for feeding a husky is at least two times a day with half a cup or two high quality dry foods. However, it is also important to note that the feeding requirement should be based on their size and metabolism as well.
Siberian Huskies easily get bored. As a result, they become rowdy and can cause a wide variety of damage to homes. Huskies need exercise daily what makes them ideal for active people. They can also be good as jogging companions. They also enjoy games like bike rides, fetching sticks and Frisbees and can run for miles because of their high energy. They are also particularly fond of going in parks. During the winter season, families enjoy using their huskies to pull their sleds, carts or wagon. A husky would need at least 30 to 60 minutes of walk daily. However, they should not be exercised in hot weather. Make sure that they get ample shade and unlimited supply of water when out for exercise.
Huskies are also good for people living in spacious homes and backyards. Because of their hyperactive behavior, they would need all the space for running around.
Since huskies are good-natured and playful dogs, they are often difficult to train. If owners are not the patient type, then they should consider other dogs. If a husky is difficult to train, they can be difficult to control as well. Sibes are not suitable for first time owners.
Although huskies are intelligent, they can also be stubborn and frustrating. So, training should already begin at a young age. If a pet owner does not have the time, they can enroll their dogs to obedience classes. Crate training is important as well and should not be used as punishment.
When taking walks, Siberian Huskies should never be off their leash and left to wander on their own. They can often run away or randomly attack other animals. They also love to chase for the fun of it. So make sure that they are leashed at all times.
Siberian Huskies usually go well in packs. So, they would need an owner that knows how to take charge and become their pack leader. Also, Sibes have become popular in culture and television. They now appear in numerous TV shows and movies because of their pleasing personality and beautiful stature. There are also YouTube videos that feature huskies with their owners.
Overall, Siberian Huskies are great dogs to keep. If you are a first time owner, it is important to research and understand a husky’s behavior extensively. Even though they are often frustrating, being patient can actually pay off eventually. Always look for reputable breeders that maintain the lineage and pay attention to those who market mixed breeds. The extra effort will be worth it because you can always expect to have a lot of fun when you have a husky. There will never be dull moments with them because of their playfulness.
That said, if you’re looking for the right dog that’s suitable for shows and exhibitions and that fits your unique personality, then buying a Siberian Husky at CT Breeder will be your wise choice.
If you’re interested in purchasing a Suberian Husky puppy, turn to CT Breeder and ask about their Siberian Husky puppies for sale – (203) 920-4950.