Yorkshire Terrier Puppies for Sale

Yorkie puppy for sale
Raise them in Connecticut!
Buy a cute puppy in CT. Call 203-9391964 



The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular breeds pet dogs, especially when it comes to the category of lap dogs. But the interesting thing is that this pint-sized dog was originally bred as a working class dog, with its ancestors in England being used as hunters of small vermin.It was only because of their beautiful coat that they eventually became the go-to lapdog and a favorite in dog shows.


Origins of the Yorkshire Terrier

The clue is in its name – the first Yorkshire Terriers were bred in the county of Yorkshire, England, during the 19th century. They were originally not meant to be a luxury or for display (as those types of dogs are exclusive to the nobles and royalty at the time.) Instead, the “Yorkies” were raised by the working class, particularly the weavers.

Origins of the Yorkshire TerrierThe weavers first bred the Yorkshire Terrier from other terrier breeds, most notably the Waterside, the Paisley, and the Manchester Terriers. The main reason why they are preferred by weavers is that the Yorkies are very good at hunting down rats and other small vermin, as their small size allowed them to sneak into places that couldn’t accommodate larger breeds. The first Yorkies were put to work on clothing mills, which at the time were prone to rat and vermin infestation.

The Yorkies eventually became popular even outside of their function as vermin hunters, thanks to their playful personality, portable size, and beautiful coats. The breed has become part of the English Kennel Club (EKC) since its inception in 1873, and was eventually brought to the US in the 19th century. The American counterpart of the EKC recognized the Yorkshire Terrier in 1885, and it has since become one of the most popular breeds in the country.

The purebreed Yorkshire terrier is not to be confused with the Biewer yorkie, which is a separate, and much newer breed that was only developed in 1984 in Germany. It is the result of a genetic recessive gene that traces its origins from 2 Yorkshire Terriers. It is easy to confuse for a purebreed, because the biggest physical difference is only the color, and the fact that the hair is not silky, but curly.


Advantages of a Yorkshire Terrier

Female Yorkie in rose costume on a snow looking upIt’s true that Yorkies are well-loved in the US, England, and many other countries because they look extremely cute and cuddly, but that is not the sole reason for the breed’s popularity. There are a number of other advantages that a Yorkshire Terrier has, such as:

  • Portability – this breed will only grow to a height of around 6 to 8 inches, and will only weigh around 6 to 7lb. This small stature and light weight makes them extremely portable. You wouldn’t have to worry about too much space or handling them because they’re one of the few breeds that can literally be carried around with one arm. This also means that they will be happy in apartments and houses that would be considered too small for other breeds, as they can run around and get some much needed exercise even in small spaces.
  • Hypoallergenic – Yorkies are the ideal breed for people with allergies or kids that are prone to allergic reactions, because in spite of their luscious and beautiful coats, they don’t shed as much as other breeds with thick coats.
  • Perfect Family Dogs – like many breeds that are now primarily sought as family pets, a Yorkie is loving, loyal, and sociable. They will easily get accustomed to playing with you, your friends, and your kids. They will even play nice with other pets, provided that the other pet is not aggressive. Additionally, they are really small and not strong enough to be dangerous, so they will be safe around kids. In fact, if your kid has not been taught how to treat a dog right, it is the Yorkie that is in danger.
  • Suitable for Watchdog Duties – a Yorkie might not be big enough to threaten intruders, but they make great watchdogs because they are brave and courageous, and they have loud enough barks that should be enough to warn you if there are strangers approaching or trying to enter your house.
  • They Don’t Require Too Much Exercise – unlike bigger breeds that develop health issues if not exercised enough, this breed doesn’t need much physical activity to stay healthy. A short walk or playtime once or twice a day should be enough, and considering its small size, letting it run around your apartment or porch is sometimes enough to keep him fit and healthy.
  • Easy to Train – they may be small, but Yorkies are very smart dogs. They can learn quickly and will be able to respond to different commands. It’s normal for this breed to learn how to fetch, play flyball, hide and seek, or any other games that require both agility and obedience. Even stubborn ones that have not been trained at an early age still have a chance at obedience training, since their small stature doesn’t make them dangerous to trainers even as an adult.
  • Does Not Have Too Many Health Issues – of course, it is your responsibility as a pet owner to care for your dog, and it is inevitable that it will develop health problems as it ages, but the Yorkshire Terrier has an advantage over other popular breeds in the sense that it is a generally healthy dog, especially if you get it from a good breeder. Many of the genetics-related or inherited health issues suffered by other breeds is non-existent in the Yorkie. With proper dental hygiene and high quality food, you can easily maintain the health of your Yorkshire Terrier.


Taking Care of a Yorkie

Yorkie licking its nose, head closeupYorkshire terriers have a life expectancy of at least 13 to 15 years, they can live longer and the key is of course, taking good care of the dog and addressing both their physical and emotional needs. A few things you need to keep in mind:


Food and Water

Small breed dogs have faster metabolism compared to larger breeds, so a small breed like a yorkie will tend to require food more frequently than a normal sized or large dog. The same goes for water. You should not overfeed the yorkie, but you should ensure that food and water are both available and accessible when the dog needs it.

A yorkie that isn’t being fed enough will be susceptible to hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Owners should have Karo syrup or Nutrical available for rubbing on the yorkie’s gums in cases where food is not available. Most other ailments that could affect a Yorkie can be addressed simply with regular vet visits and vaccinations. Like any dog, Yorkies are susceptible to rabies so they need to be immunized when they are at least 16 weeks old.



Yorkies are cute in the sense that they are very brave and have a tendency to act tougher than they really are, but this also carries the risk that they may end up hurting themselves with falls from couches and beds due to mistimed or intentional jumps. Small toys and gadgets can also pose a choking hazard, and be careful about human food that falls on the floor – they are quick to snatch anything that falls on the floor so they may end up eating food that are perfectly fine for humans but harmful to dogs (for example, chocolate bars.)

Their small size is very fitting because Yorkies pretty much need to be treated the same way you would be a human toddler with regard to safety. You may have to supervise them if they are near hazardous places. It is a good idea to babyproof and yorkie-proof your home, if you plan on owning a pet yorkie.



Their fluffy, voluminous coat make yorkshire terriers extremely cuddly and cute, but it also means that they require extra care during grooming. A yorkie needs to have its hair brushed regularly, and the fur around its genitals should be clipped in order to avoid infections. Toenails must also be trimmed because they have a tendency to get tangled in the fur (not to mention growing them too long makes them prone to injury if a mistimed jump results in them falling on their toes, breaking the nails in the process.)


Avoid Spoiling a Yorkie

Finally, it is best to avoid spoiling a Yorkie from the day you first get him. They are very cute, cuddly, and lovable so it’s very difficult to be strict with them, but you should still learn how to say “no” if they exhibit unwanted behaviors. They may not understand it at first, but given enough time they will catch on and stop doing things that you disapprove of. They thrive on affection and positive reinforcement, so it will be easy to train them into being obedient and well-behaved. If you spoil the Yorkie, the bad behavior may become deep-seated and will be hard to curb the older he gets.

If you are ready to get a Yorkie into your family (or are just considering), give CT Breeder a call and get all the recommendations – (203) 9391964.